The highly anticipated next installment in the acclaimed Dungeon & Fighter franchise was unveiled today. The First Berserker: Khazan aims to be a vengeful action RPG follows the story of a disgraced general on a quest to redeem his honor. The developer promises The First Berserker: Khazan will redefine the genre. Players seeking hard-hitting combat, rich RPG progression, and an epic redemption tale will want to add this to their wishlist.
Betrayed General Vows Bloody Vengeance
Khazan, once a legendary general renowned for his heroic exploits, was exiled and stripped of his honors after being falsely accused of treason. Now driven by an all-consuming desire for retribution against those who conspired against him, players will aid Khazan on his ruthless path to settle scores.
Fast-Paced Hack-And-Slash Gameplay
Living up to the “berserker” moniker, combat will be central to the gameplay. Players can expect white-knuckle hack-and-slash mechanics with customizable combo systems to unleash Khazan’s fury against foes. Fluid controls allow you to slash, smash, and decimate enemies with brute strength and precision strikes.
Extensive RPG Progression Systems
In addition to the visceral combat, RPG elements will enable deep character development. Strategic skill trees give you control of Khazan’s abilities. Tailor gear loadouts by mixing and matching loot drops for unique buffs. Even the weapons themselves can be upgraded and forged into more lethal forms.
Challenge Elite Adversaries and Bosses
Surviving the journey will challenge even seasoned gamers. In addition to vanquishing hordes of enemies, players will take on harrowing story missions in hostile territories. These will test their mettle against imposing adversaries like imperial forces and colossal bosses for the chance to acquire powerful weapons and gear. Etched in blood, your path to redemption awaits.
The First Berserker: Khazan Release Date
No fixed release date has been given for The First Berserker: Khazan, but we’ll keep you posted.
For over 15 years, developer Neople has been behind the entire Dungeon & Fighter franchise. Their games resonate globally with over 600 million players. Now their veteran expertise is leveraged into creating the bloody revenge tale of The First Berserker: Khazan.
Available On All Major Platforms
Gamers can experience the action first-hand on their system of choice when the game launches on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. Stunning next-gen graphics and effects will immerse players in this action-packed tale of vengeance.
For more information, check out The First Berserker: Khazan official website and wishlist on Steam.