The Division Resurgence Regional Beta 2

Tom Clancy’s The Division Resurgence, the upcoming free-to-play tactical shooter RPG mobile game from Ubisoft, is launching its Regional Beta 2 test starting November 16th.

This closed beta will be available in the USA, Brazil, and Australia on iOS and Android devices.

Overview of The Division Franchise

A screenshot of "The Division" - a shooter game set in a city.
The Division Resurgence

The Division Resurgence is the next installment in Ubisoft’s popular Division franchise. The series launched in 2016 with Tom Clancy’s The Division, an open world online action RPG set in a near future New York City devastated by a pandemic. Players are members of The Division, an elite group tasked with restoring order. A sequel, The Division 2, was released in 2019 and expanded the setting to Washington D.C. Check out the trailer for The Division Resurgence below.

The Division Resurgence trailer

Resurgence promises to continue the story and intense tactical co-op gameplay the franchise is known for, but optimized for mobile.

Gameplay and Features of The Division Resurgence

In the Regional Beta 2, players will have the opportunity to try out story missions, side missions, open world activities, PvP, and the signature PvPvE Dark Zone where they can cooperate or turn on fellow players. Environments range from the streets of New York to the Everglades.

Gameplay involves tactical cover-based third person shooting and RPG elements like loot drops and character builds. Players can customize their agent with various classes and skills. The game is designed for co-op with friends or matchmaking.

Early Access for Content Creators

From November 14-15, selected content creators and community members will receive early access codes to try out the beta before it opens to the public. They are encouraged to post gameplay videos, impressions, and content highlighting features using the hashtag #TheDivisionResurgence for a chance to get reward codes to share with their audience when the beta opens.

How to Get Access

On November 16th, pre-registered players in the USA and Brazil will start receiving invitation emails in waves. In Australia, the beta will be open to all interested players. Those who did not get invited still have a chance to participate on iOS or Android by pre-registering at

Post Author
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Harriet Gough
Over 20 years' experience as a writer and games journalist. Avid gamer and enjoy a wide range of game genres including MMOs, FPS and RTS. My favorite games include Warframe, Skyrim, Destiny 2, CoD and Age of Empires.

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