Blair Witch, created by Bloober Team and Lionsgate Games, is an upcoming title for Xbox (including Xbox One X) and PC to be released in August of this year.
Featuring a similar story and mood to the original movie title, Blair Witch will be a first-person psychological horror game set in 1996. Your character, along with your trusty sidekick, Bullet, will investigate a mysterious disappearance, and the game will challenge your decision-making abilities, as well as your responses to fear and horror.
The trailer below provides some detail on how your character will interact with your dog, Bullet, as well as some of the gameplay elements you’ll encounter including combat options, commands, exploration and how you interact with your environment.
From what we’ve seen so far, it’s as atmospheric as the movie, and could be fun to play with the lights turned off and the volume turned way up.
Blair Witch will be available worldwide on Xbox and PC on August 30.