Set in the fantasy city of Abjectalia, Blade Prince Academy blends satisfying tactical combat with deep character relationships when it launches on March 7th. Developed by Angel Corp and published by Firesquid, this single-player RPG tasks players with protecting the city streets as a student at the Academy, all while uncovering its hidden secrets.
Immersive Anime-Inspired Combat
Blade Prince Academy features a real-time combat system with the ability to pause the action to strategize your next move. The visuals take inspiration from anime, with flashy effects and environments used to gain an advantage in battle. Players can execute combos and maneuver allies into optimal positions to defeat the various gangs and monsters that threaten Abjectalia.
The game incorporates dodging, combo attacks, and making use of cover and terrain during fights. Having strong bonds between the main cast of heroes can help turn the tide of battle by unlocking combo moves.
Managing School Life and Relationships
Between missions protecting the streets, players will experience life at the Academy as a student. Here you can recover health, upgrade abilities, take on side quests, and build meaningful relationships with other students. As bonds between the main cast strengthen, additional combat options open up.
Players can also explore the nooks and crannies of Abjectalia, uncovering hidden artifacts or challenging bosses that unlock new gear and upgrade materials. Discovering all the secrets the fantasy city has to offer is key to unraveling its mysterious past.
Customize Your Heroes
Blade Prince Academy features a diverse cast of heroes, each with their own unique abilities and backstories. As the adventure progresses, every decision affects their growth into formidable protectors of Abjectalia. The bonds formed between distinct personalities directly impacts available battle tactics and story outcomes.
Blade Prince Academy launches March 7th on PC via Steam for $19.99 USD. Fans can wishlist the game now and sign up for the official newsletter for the latest updates leading up to release. The developers are also active on X/Twitter.