Rocket-Assisted Sidearms in Destiny 2 – Indebted Kindness

With the launch of the new dungeon Warlord’s Ruin, guardians’ arsenals have been upgraded with a brand new weapon frame, and a return to form of sorts for the sidearms of old. We haven’t seen the return of special-ammo sidearms since Forerunner released with the 30th Anniversary Pack, almost 2 years ago.

Special Ammo Sidearms From Warlord’s Ruin

We’ve gotten two brand new special ammo sidearms with this update. The first of which being the dungeon exotic – Buried Bloodline. A dual-firing crossbow that grants devour to any class. The second, and arguably more important being the Indebted Kindness. A gyrojet, rocket-assisted sidearm that deals really solid damage.

A Destiny 2 screen displaying Rocket-Assisted Sidearms and the words "beacon rounds.

Because currently the dungeon gear is hidden from the Bungie API, we can’t show you every new roll and perk for the weapon. But, we have seen a new perk, named Beacon Rounds, that grants tracking capabilities for the rocket-assisted shot upon final blows, with damage increasing the timer.

The Mountaintop Returns?

A screen shot of the esports esports Destiny 2.

The first thing that Redeem member and streamer Sweatcicle commented on the weapon was its similarity to The Mountaintop, a sunset special grenade launcher that shot a grenade with no curve. I personally think this is the closest we’ve gotten to replicating that level of power. Early damage tests show that this thing is an absolute weapon of mass destruction, having a great damage-to-ammo ratio with a huge set of reserves.

There’s very little doubt in my mind about Indebted Kindness being a new champion killer, a new DPS swap weapon and an overall hilariously fun weapon to use in all content.

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Zac Kaye
I've been playing games for pretty much as long as I can remember. There's about 15 years of gaming experience under my belt at this point. Destiny, Warframe, Halo, CoD and the list goes on. I was a brief world record holder for Destiny 2 speedrunning, as well as a season-long stint as a top 10 ranked PVP player. More recently, I've been shooting for the Celeste speedrun leaderboards. In-between sessions of getting too mad at shooters, I spend a lot of my time playing gacha games like Honkai Star Rail and Limbus Company.

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